
LXD Commands


List available Ubuntu Images

lxc image list ubuntu:

List available CentOS Images

lxc image list images | grep centos


Create CentOS based container

lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64 conainer-name

Create Ubuntu based container and start

lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 conainer-name

Creating a Ubuntu container without starting it

lxc init ubuntu:16.04 conainer-name

List all Conainter

lxc list

Display Container Infos

lxc info conainer-name

Start / Stop

lxc start conainer-name

Bash Access to Container

lxc exec container-name bash


Show Devices

lxc config device show conainer-name

Add Device

lxc config device add container-name device-name disk path=/container/path source=/host/path

Remove Device

lxc config device remove conainer-name device-name
